Ukrainian Spy Gonzalo Lira Alleged To Have Died
The pseudo-journalist and right-wing bigot was last heard from pretending to escape from Ukrainian custody. Now he is alleged to have died in captivity.
The last time anyone heard anything about right-wing bigot and blogger Gonzalo Lira, he had supposedly escaped Ukrainian prison, where nobody is allowed to just walk away from, making for the Hungarian border while streaming his movements for his alleged captors to track, only to be “recaptured” before making it out of the country. He was then supposedly returned to captivity.
Scott Ritter, among others, went into extensive detail as to why he thinks Lira has been a Ukrainian intelligence asset since his first arrest in 2022, and pointed out the many inconsistencies and contradictions in Lira’s story of his alleged escape. At the time, I concurred with Ritter’s assessment and I still do: Gonzalo Lira was then and is now effectively a willing spy for Ukraine, gathering intel on journalists and critics of the Nazi regime in Kiev in return for lenient treatment for himself and his loved ones (his wife and children also live in Ukraine). I had my doubts then and still do as to claims of his life being in any real danger.
Yesterday, however, it was reported that Lira has died in a Ukrainian prison. This was just days after his father appeared on The Duran to plead for attention for his son’s alleged plight. Given what we know of Lira and his all-too-likely status as an intelligence asset, I find it difficult to take the reports at face value. Those suckered into Lira’s sob story are as I type lamenting the lack of attention devoted to him in favor of “drug addicts” and “degenerates” (read: a Black lesbian basketball player busted in Russia for possession and later traded in a prisoner swap).
Lira, during his live-streamed “escape” last summer, had made a bigoted remark pertaining to Brittney Griner.
As I wrote previously, the Ukrainian Intelligence Service (SBU)’s tactic with regards to sowing division among anti-Nazi media figures has been to cynically exploit LGBTQIA issues in order to troll bigots, get them to expose themselves as such, and thus discredit themselves in the eyes of the left. I see no reason to doubt that this latest stunt is further trolling meant to rouse outrage among right-wing bigots—this at a time when it appears incresingly likely that Ukraine will be forced this year to surrender to Russia, since the ongoing genocide in Palestine is gobbling up dwindling military and monetary Western resources supporting Israel’s atrocities in Gaza.
Now, it is indeed a tactic of fascist regimes to turn people to their service, squeeze every last bit of usefulness they can out of them, then discard them once they’ve served their intended purpose. It’s possible Lira is dead, but my gut tells me he’s holed up in an apartment somewhere in Kiev watching the people he’s duped mourn his passing and praying to his Nazi handlers that he’s done a good enough job to be allowed to live a little bit longer.
Ritter, for his part, expresses his condolences, but maintains his assertion that Lira was and is a Ukrainian intelligence asset—what I call a spy. My own opinion is that Lira’s only contributions since 2022 have been to spy for Kiev on real jouranlists , rouse anger from racists and anti-LGBTQIA bigots, sow division among anti-Ukraine activists and journalists, and distract from important issues such as the ongoing genocide now taking place in Gaza. If he’s actually dead, then I say good riddance to bad rubbish, just as I said when the evil degenerate Henry Kissinger finally did something good and expired. I have no sympathy in my heart for Nazis, those who cravenly work for them hoping to save their own cowardly necks, or for those who willingly collaborate with them.
No, I don’t care if that sentiment pisses you off. I’m half Polish. I know about the Nazi massacres in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia during World War Two. Those were carried out by Ukrainian Nazis under the leadership of Stepan Bandera, who is still revered today in Kiev as a hero. Don’t expect pity from me for a fraud turned spy for Ukraine. It’s not happening.
At any rate, things are looking bad for Ukraine. It’s about out of weapons and definitely running out of bodies to throw at the front lines. Understand that when the West started this war with the intention of fighting it to the last dead Ukrainian, it meant that. Ukraine won’t be allowed to surrender, not under its present leadership in Washington, D.C. (the puppets in Kiev are just that, and have neither legitimacy or authority beyond what the neocons in Washington allow them). Therefore, Russia is fighting the proxy war under a policy of attrition, slowly but steadily grinding away at the ability of the enemy to fight. I doubt very much that Kiev will be able to maintain that ability much longer.
The neocons running the regime of senile racist, war criminal, rapist, and child molester Joe Biden hope to extend the proxy war until after Donald Trump is sworn in again next January, so they can pin the blame on him for losing a war to Russia. Moscow, however, has other plans and does not appear willing to let them have even that. I hope they don’t. I hope Russia forces a very public surrender by Ukraine before the election in November. The neocons need to be defeated, and they can’t be allowed any more time in power.
The future of humanity depends on it.