The COVID Lab-Leak Lie Refuses to Die
The Trump-era lie falsely blaming China for supposedly releasing a bioengineered virus on the world is propped up by an unholy alliance of fascists and pseudo-leftists.
When SARS-CoV-2 first became known in late 2019 following an outbreak in Wuhan Province, China, few thought much of it. China had previously experienced the epidemic of SARS, an acronym of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which was first seen in 2002, and this pathogen appeared to be a variant thereof. In actuality, it’s an apparent chimera of coronaviruses, one of which is capable of leaping to humans, and all evidence appeared to point to the virus originating in nature through recombination in a host animal that was later captured and brought to the animal wet market in Wuhan.
Now, had the U.S. and its vassals in Europe been run by actual human beings and not a bunch of utter psychopaths, SARS-CoV-2 might have been restricted to China, which took steps to mitigate the spread by sending people into quarantine in those areas in which infections were diagnosed. But the U.S. and its vassals in Europe are, in fact, run by utter psychopaths, and so Americans and Europeans were allowed to leave China while infected with the virus and began spreading it to the rest of the world. Thus the COVID 19 pandemic began.
When the pandemic reached the U.S. in Decamber 2019 or January 2020, at first the federal policy (if indeed denial can be rightly called a policy) was to deny the virus even existed. It was a hoax, or else exaggerated—no more serious than the common cold. But by March the death toll had climbed high enough and hospital emergency rooms filled enough that denial was no longer an option. For a couple of months everybody pretended to quarantine while not actually quarantining, and this was called “lockdowns”. The problem is that these “lockdowns” were never really enforced, and by May 2020 the pretense was largely dropped.
As SARS-CoV-2 continued to spread and mutate, the U.S. dictatorial election kicked into gear and while the Democrats went through the pretense of a primary process that was from the beginning rigged to favor former vice dictator Joe Biden, the senile, criminally corrupt child-molesting war criminal, then-dictator Caligula Drumpf was blaming China for supposedly engineering the virus in a laboratory and releasing or failing to contain it.
The problem with his accusations, aside from using them as a convenient tool with which to geopolitically isolate and weaken the U.S.’s chief rival in Asia, is that they were wholly unsupported by any actual evidence. Here is a brief list of articles explaining why evidence of a laboratory origin is lacking:
Pretty clear-cut, right? After years of exhaustive analysis of SARS-CoV-2 itself, no evidence has emerged definitively proving it came from a laboratory, and in fact, most likely originated in nature. This isn’t without historical precedent. The 1918 “Spanish” flu pandemic is believed to have originated on a U.S. military hog farm in Kansas. Viruses have a nasty habit of mutating, leaping from beasts to humans and vice versa as they infect and recombine in bodies. But those who love to push conspiracy fantasies, especially when doing so benefits U.S. hegemonic ambitions, refused to let the bullshit expire with Drumpf’s regime. After Biden was coasted to election in the wake of his immediate predecessor’s disatrous pandemic response, his own regime picked up the lab-leak lie and ran with it.
Republicans naturally put in a lot of effort to hold circus side shows trying and failing spectacularly to prove the lie was true. The Wall Street Journal even published a ridiculously unsupported report from the Department of Energy, of all places, trying to link SARS-CoV-2 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Of course, there was a snag in the report: the D.o.E.’s own sources aren’t seen by U.S. intelligence agencies as being credible. “Low confidence” means that the intel agencies can’t actually verify any of the claims made in the report because they’re not supported by existing evidence.
Nevertheless, anti-China chicken hawks in the U.S. refuse to let the lab-leak lie wither on their vine of deception. That’s bad enough as the ongoing proxy war against Russia in Ukraine rages on and we come ever closer to World War III and nuclear holocaust. But sections of the pesudo-left decided since the start of the pandemic to hitch their wagons to Red MAGA and the Trump wing of the Republican Party, while their counterparts adjacent to Blue MAGA remain stubbornly committed to the DNC. The Red-MAGA panderers include Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Jackson Hinkle, Kim Iversen, Niko House, Fiorella Isabel, and Craig Jardula, all sucking up to white supremacists, transphobes, anti-vaxxers, and COVIDiots who seriously think COVID 19 is a hoax cooked up and let out of a Chinese laboratory that is simultaneously no worse than the common cold and the excuse for a bioweapon designed to insert microchips into Americans’ bloodstreams via blood-clot-inducing vaccines.
Dore claims he got Long COVID from the mRNA vaccine despite there being no live virus in said vaccine and apparently only having gotten one shot with no boosters while attending super-spreader events without a mask. He’s also been relentlessly pushing livestock dewormer as an effective treatment for COVID in spite of there being no evidence of its efficacy and studies allegedly demonstrating otherwise found to have been fabricated.
Greenwald likely got his husband killed as a result of exposing him to COVID 19, which is known to cause organ damage including to the gastrointesinal system and deplete the immune system. He’s been a vocal opponent of masking, vaccines, and other mitigation efforts.
Iversen, from the start of the pandemic was lying her ass off about the virus parroting the minimizers’ bullshit, attacking former pandemic response head Anthony Fauci with insane conspiracy fantasy accusations of collaborating with the Chinese government despite there being no evidence. Blumenthal, Hinkle, House, Isabel, and Jardula all jumped on the COVIDiot bandwagon spreading establishment lies about the pandemic and encouraging the public to go out, get infected, and stop worrying about all the people dying or becoming permanently disabled by the disease, which continues to run out of control.
There simply is no excusing the deranged embrace of COVIDiocy at a time when the working class is being decimated by a preventable viral infection, climate change, and the skyrocketing cost of living. At a time when it is more important than ever for the left to unite, these cretins are keeping us divided with lies they know are lies, behaving like sociopaths placing their personal convenience over the welfare of the very working class on whose behalf they pretend to fight. How are we to take these imbeciles seriously when they turn off all critical thinking to parrot far right lies?
Time is running out for humanity, and we can’t afford to be sidetracked by morons hell bent on deluding themselves that they can align with the far right and actually get anything done for the working class.