Israel, the Apartheid Terrorist State, is Carrying Out a Holocaust.
The ethno-fascist state is committing genocide against Palestinians in a move to completely purge the Levant of non-white non-Jews.
I’ve been busy working a temporary gig helping to get Issues 1 and 2 passed in Ohio, legalizing abortion and recreational marijuana, respectively, in Ohio. That is mostly why I’ve been quiet on here lately. When one is pushing fifty, not in the best of health, and working six days a week, there is little energy for much else.
But since 7 October 2023, I simply have not had the words to adequately express my thoughts and feelings regarding the ongoing genocide of Palestinians by the apartheid terrorist state of Israel following the operation by Hamas in occupied Gaza against Israeli occupiers.
Others have been far more eloquent in stating what has been happening with the full support of the United States, Israel’s most powerful backer and enabler. Watching the photos and videos of dead and dying infants and children, anguished parents whose children have been cruelly murdered by U.S.-supplied Israeli bombs, the sheer destruction…my sleep is full of nightmares I can’t describe to you without becoming choked up.
So, yes, I’ve been largely quiet on here regarding that particular subject, because I am not eloquent enough to properly express my horror, outrage, and grief. I could only engage in disjointed, borderline incoherent rambling. Nevertheless, I am compelled to write something.
So I’m going to keep things simple and call things exactly what they are, no more and no less.
Israel is carrying out a Holocaust. It is committing genocide. To deny it is to be a flat out liar, knowing denial is a flat out lie, setting out deliberately to deceive the general public into thinking that what is happening now in Gaza and the West Bank somehow isn’t the wholly unprovoked genocide it is.
Yes, I said ‘unprovoked’, because that is exactly what this genocide is. Genocide is ALWAYS ONLY EVER unprovoked. There is NEVER a time or situation in which it isn’t. You know this.
You. KNOW.
What Hamas did on 7 October, when you strip away the lies told by Israel about the operation (fabricating tales of decapitated babies, for instance), does not, never has, and never shall justify Israeli officials’ decision to wipe out every last Palestinian in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories. You know this.
You. KNOW.
Whole families are as I type being bombed out of existence, entire bloodlines eradicated from the Earth, for no other reason than israel wants to finally erase all of historical Palestine from the map and finally implement Zionists’ long-desired vision of a re-established Judean kingdom in the Levant. It doesn’t matter that such a kingdom was only ever an independent nation-state for roughly a hundred years in ancient times and that throughout the rest of its history until A.D. 70 it was itself ruled over by more powerful empires, the last being Rome. Nor does it matter that even when the ancient Hebrews invaded and conquered the land of Canaan, it was already inhabited and that the descendants of the ancient Canaanites never left or got driven out, and certainly never forfeiting their legitimate claim to the region.
No, Israel is itself a modern invention, a fiction created by an unholy alliance of pseudo-Christian zealots hoping that the restoration of Judea would somehow lead to the Rapture and the final conversion or annihilation of Jews on one end, and pseudo-religious white European Jewish converts on the other who coveted the ancient land of their conquering forefathers and wanted to seize it from what at the time was the defeated Ottoman Empire post-World-War-One. And once the state of Israel was established formally by the United Nations in 1947 and Palestinians expelled from their ancestral homeland the following year, the goal of the Zionist government in Tel Aviv ever since has been to complete that expulsion, even if it means doing to Palestinians what the Nazis did to Jews throughout the 1930s and first half of the 1940s.
That is the reality. You know this.
You. KNOW.
Palestinian hospitals are bombed, leveled to the ground. Ambulances are bombed. Food, water, electricity, and medicine are cut off. Civilians, including and especially children, are targeted for extermination, under the horrifically evil and utterly dishonest argument that there is no such thing as a Palestinian civilian, only armed combatants no matter how young and helpless and no matter how ludicrous such an argument is. You know this.
You. KNOW.
You know, and—I can’t believe I’m actually typing this—far too many of you either don’t care, or worse, don’t mind.
Whether it’s Vaush and his latest convert, Keffals, or a Biden bot paid to spew far right propaganda no matter what, too many of you KNOW the truth and yet are perfectly fine with what Israel is doing, because you turned off all within you that was human and decided your bread was best buttered being a professional psychopath. You watch the horrors unfolding in Gaza and the West Bank and cheer on the terrorists and Nazis raining hellfire down on innocent children, KNOWING what is taking place and WHY, and still root for Israel no matter what, petulantly demanding of the left that we go out of our way to condemn Hamas no matter what before daring to utter so much as a peep against the genocide being committed against innocent people YOU KNOW FOR A FACT had nothing to do with the 7 October operation. You know this.
You are all disgusting NAZIS and you KNOW you are disgusting Nazis, and there’s nothing remotely human in you anymore to even care that you are, or even pay any mind even if you did care.
But most of you, thank God, do NOT behave like this. You know and you rightly condemn the atrocities, rightly feel no compulsion to couch your words by offering up empty condemnation of Hamas in order to be taken seriously by flat out fascists who were never going to accept your condemnations anyway because they never do and they were always going to portray you as supporters of terrorism and anti-Semites anyway no matter what you say, and in hundreds of cities around the world you are taking to the streets in the hundreds of thousands in defiance of the fascist regimes in service to apartheid and genocide and bigotry and hatred and unrelenting colonial ethno-ideology, and you are letting these subhuman savages know in no uncertain terms that their crimes are NOT being committed with your permission and that you stand with HUMAN beings against what is being done to them simply because a bunch of white savages want their land and have no qualms whatsoever about committing genocide in order to get it and the resources it contains.
You know, and you do NOT give your consent, and do NOT allow yourselves to be terrorized and beaten into craven submission, and you are making your voices heard as not seen since the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq twenty years ago.
You. my comrades, make me proud. Keep up the good fight. I hope to join you soon, and add my voice to yours. I’ll be there with you, masked against COVID, yes, and encouraging you to be masked against both COVID and the surveillance cameras trying to capture and catalog your faces, and together we WILL force the fascists back under the rocks from under which they crawled thinking they’d finally made things safe enough to show themselves openly, there to wither and expire in permanent irrelevance never again daring to show their ugly visages in the light of day.
Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, avoid getting infected with COVID (because it SHALL make you too sick and brain-damaged to organize and fight back, which is exactly what the fascists are hoping for), and don’t be intimidated.