Democrats Reduced to Legal Maneuvering to Stymie Return of Trump to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Unwilling to field a better candidate, which risks further derailing neocon plans for Russia, the DNC has resorted to indictments in a desperate bid to prevent Donald Trump's re-election.
Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou of The Duran discuss the various legal maneuvering by the DNC to ensure that Caligula Drumpf is unable to be the Republican nominee to run against the corpse of senile child molester Joe Biden.
Unwilling to field a better candidate, which risks further derailing neocon plans for Russia, the DNC has resorted to indictments in a desperate bid to prevent Donald Trump's re-election. This is unsurprising. Having thoroughly embraced the depraved fascist ideology of Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, the late and unlamented Donald Rumsfeld, and other dregs of the Nixon regime, Democrats have gone full metal idiot in trying to destroy Russia, finishing the job that began with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The problem, however, with abusing the legal system to try and stop political opponents is that it opens the door for said opposition to do the same. Biden’s very real corruption will probably lead to impeachment proceedings against him, which will be spun by the mainstream media as retaliatory for Democrats’ impeachments of Trump, but has an all-too-solid foundation. Even if the walking gaffe machine with wandering hands manages to survive long enough to squeak to re-election in 2024, impeachment proceedings will hobble his second term, thus further crippling his handlers’ agenda to topple Russia and in so doing slow the collapse of the crumbling U.S. empire.
That both Trump and Biden are criminally corrupt and use public office to line their pockets is not up for debate. Neither boy is fit for the presidency. Neither should ever have been allowed anywhere near the White House in the first place. But the sheer audacity of Democrats in indulging such blatantly hypocritical and undemocratic maneuvering to thwart the will of the electorate no matter what, is appalling.
Having allowed the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic to run out of control even as vital aid is allowed to expire, having refused to rein in corporate malfeasance to the point that two thirds of Ohio are now poisoned as a result of Norfolk Southern’s criminal negligence, having broken one major strike leading to the rail accident that caused the poisoning of Ohio and likely to break more, and having wasted a year and a half on a pointless proxy war as Americans are decimated by the pandemic while going homeless and hungry, all the DNC appears willing to do is follow the same tired neocon playbook of doubling down and engaging in wishful thinking.
Looking at the field of potential replacements for Biden on the 2024 ticket and found it wanting, meaning none of the politicians eyeing the office of the presidency can be trusted to competently continue the proxy war in Ukraine or follow through on plans for war on China, the neocons who took over the DNC have decided that their best hope now for success is to hunker down, stick with Biden no matter how senile and frail he is, and pray to the Federal Reserve gods for a political miracle. They know they can’t beat Trump in a rematch, so they’re reduced to trying to keep him off the ballot via the courts, which they shortsightedly stacked with his judicial appointees. But even that ploy may not work, and they know it, which is why they’re panicking at the prospect of Cornel West’s third party bid.
The problem with such nakedly hypocritical and fascistic machinations is that, as I said, the Republicans know two can play at this game, and they’re doing just that. The GOPhers don’t care what the public thinks, and have no qualms at all about retaliatory impeachment proceedings—especially when their opposition is so obviously criminally corrupt. We saw this during the late 1990s in the impeachment of Bill Clinton, whose real estate schemes exposed him to criminal investigation. Those too young to remember may not know that prior to his 1992 bid for the White House, Clinton and his wife, Hillary, were involved in all manner of questionable business arrangements, which they didn’t do a very good job of hiding. They have always seen politics as a way to enrich themselves, and like all “good” far right politicians, abused their public offices to get what they wanted. Biden is part of that same criminally corrupt far right political circle, always has been, and has built his entire worthless career profiting from holding positions of power.
Using the U.S.-backed 2014 coup in Ukraine as a chance to cash in, Biden got his cocaine-addled brat, Hunter, a cushy high-paying front-boy position in a shady fuel company called Burisma, which sought political favors from its new masters in Washington, D.C. The problem was that the country’s prosecutor was still mildly independent of the new regime, and refused to back off. Burisma went to Hunter, asking him to get his father to do something about the investigation. After extorting an additional ten million dollars from Burisma for himself and his brat, the elder Biden did just that. Not only did he get the prosecutor fired, threatening to withholds a billion-dollar loan from the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev he’d helped install, he went so far as to boast about it publicly in 2016.
This is the sort of naked corruption for which Biden and the Clintons are infamous. By comparison, the bloated orangutan that is Caligula Drumpf is a rank amateur. On his best day, the orange-painted blimp couldn’t come close to the level of criminality his pals have achieved. None of this is to say Drumpf is any kind of saint. He’s anything but. Nevertheless, he’s an incompetent, buffoonish, vulgar amateur who couldn’t get half his insane agenda implemented without the Democrats handing it to him on a gold-plated platter.
In fact, the only reason he’s so despised by Democrats is that he is so vulgar and obviously thuggish. He’s too stupid to effectively hide his degeneracy behind the veneer of political respectability as Democrats do, hence the efforts to keep him off the ballot by any means both legal and illegal. Unwilling to abandon their deranged plans against Russia and China, the neocons running Washington, D.C. are desperate to prevent another derailment. The filth are long in the tooth, many if not most are now senile and not likely to survive another four years (as Biden, Diane Feinstein, and Mitch McConnel demonstrate on a daily basis), and are desperate to preserve their dystopian vision of uncontested U.S. hegemony even if it means creating a nuclear holocaust that will wipe out all life on the planet. They “reason” that they can’t afford to let a trivial thing like the U.S. Constitution and its system of checks and balances get in the way of realizing their depraved fantasy.
So that’s where we are. As COVID continues to ravage the population, leaving ten percent of infected persons permanently disabled as the death toll mounts, as entire nations heat up to the point of uninhabitability and the oceans boil, as millions starve as they lose their homes, as nuclear holocaust threatens to finish us all off, as the entire capitalist system crumbles, the only thing the neocons are willing to do is double down on the same failed tactics deluding themselves into thinking all they need do is more of what they’ve been doing, because they refuse to grow up and acknowledge that their biggest problem is their diseased ideology. As Mr. Mercouris keeps repeating, these subhuman cretins “have no reverse gear”.
Nothing is inevitable, but everything is often predictable, and we’ve seen too much of this shit played out in history not to be able to see where all this is heading. It’s not looking good. If humanity is to have any chance at all of survival, society needs to wake up NOW and take preventative action, YESTERDAY.