COVID-Damaged Brains and Mental Degradation
The increasingly unhinged lunatic tirades from far right COVIDiots betrays the profound damage SARS-CoV-2 does to our brains.
This was the unhinged tirade recently put forth by a far right podcaster at the very possibility that the criminally negligent CDC might consider thinking about entertaining the idea of bringing back mask mandates as more and more and more immune-and-vaccine-evasive strains of SARS-CoV-2 appear.
I want you to pay close attention to this maniac, because it’s important to your survival and mine. Look at how ready he is to suddenly flip over his desk and throw things at people at even the highly remote possibility of a return to mask mandates and other sensible forms of COVID-mitigation to protect human life.
Before you woke-scold me for supposedly able-ist language, I assure you that my description of this boy as a psychotic idiot isn’t mere hyperbole, nor is it meant as only insult. It’s not an attack on people who suffer from mental illness. I am not without compassion and pity for this person. I want him to seek professional psychiatric help for his insanity. That’s because he is demonstrably, violently insane, and he poses a very real and present danger to the safety and lives of human beings. I am dead serious. This boy needs help, and if he doesn’t get it immediately, he’s liable to physically harm someone or do far worse.
It is well known that SARS-CoV-2 is capable of infecting the brain and causing severe damage thereto. 1 2 3 4 In fact, the rise in violently anti-social behavior, especially among males, has been documented. 5 6 7 How else do you explain why this lunatic is so ready to start overturning heavy furniture and using such deranged terms as “fµ©king DIRTY MASKS”? Masks aren’t dirty until or unless they become soiled. Who is telling this boy to wear soiled masks, and whose? For one thing, nobody is telling him to wear a mask someone else has worn. For another, they come clean out of the packaging. Masks are not inherently dirty. Re-usable respirators are now common that come with changeable filters to mitigate the soiling of said filters over time. He knows this.
This behavior—the petulant, violent, psychotic temper tantrums thrown by COVIDiots at the very possibility that they may be again asked to mitigate the spread of a deadly and debilitating airborne pathogen betrays a frightening level of damage to human cognitive function. The level of change in cognition from SARS-CoV-2 infection is such that legal maneuvering to shield businesses from liability for exposing their employees to the virus is now increasingly common, and disturbing recent court rulings give an alarming picture of where we’re headed as the ongoing pandemic worsens.
SARS-CoV-2 attacks every organ of the body, including the brain and heart. It has been linked to increased instances of diabetes, blood clotting, early onset dementia, and Parkinson’s-like symptoms. You can read a compilation of articles here about the effects.
We are being culled, people. The far right sees COVID as an opportunity to finally eradicate those of us they see as “weak” from the Earth, and it is hell bent on ensuring that no further mitigation is allowed. We are to get sick, become permanently disabled, and fade away. This is not a joke. It is not hyperbole. It is not exaggeration. It is all too real and it is accelerating, just like global warming. 8 Our civilization, our very species is on the edge of extinction within the next ten to twenty years, if not sooner. Our planet is rapidly becoming uninhabitable, and if the extreme heat and rising sea levels don’t finish us off, COVID and the opportunistic diseases it brings with it shall. And if that’s not enough to get the job done, nuclear winter resulting from the launch of warheads can and likely shall accomplish the task. 9
I really wish the COVIDiots would grow up and start taking these threats seriously, because they are utterly delusional and I am neither making that up or exaggerating. They seriously believe they will be exempt from all consequences of their actions. Reality will try to teach them how wrong they are, but like all imbeciles they’ll refuse to acknowledge it even as their brains shut down for the final time—and they have no problem whatsoever dragging the rest of us down with them. We are not going to fight this by surrendering to the herd and giving up on mitigation. Human survival depends on our continuing to fight for it.